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Cybersecurity 101 Workshop - June

14 Jun 2024 10:00 Location:

Welcome to e92academy: your home for cybersecurity sales training and intelligence.

If you're a reseller who is new to the cybersecurity space, a start up consultancy looking to expand or an established VAR with new recruits who are keen to grow their cybersecurity sales and client base, this is the perfect event for you.

We'll help deliver the foundations of cybersecurity knowledge, from the background and fundamentals to todays threat landscape, taking in how organisations of every size have to defend their users, network and data.

We'll address the changing business priorities such as the growth of the cloud, mobile working and digital transformation initiatives have affected how organisations embrace IT, and what the impact that has on IT security.

Finally, we'll discuss the key questions to be asking, and how VARs and MSPs can help deliver the security expertise that many businesses need as they address the skills gaps and fast changing technology landscape.

Register here

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